The Czech Heritage Foundation sponsors a variety of programs and events in the Cedar Rapids area.
photo/Cindy Hadish
Homestay Program
CHF’s homestay program funds students to live with a host family for three weeks in Hradec Králové and will host a Czech student from that family later in the summer. The program is open to high school juniors and seniors.
photo/Cindy Hadish
Miss Czech-Slovak Iowa
The Miss Czech-Slovak Iowa Pageant fosters the growth and development of young women between the ages 16-26 who are of Czech, Slovak and Moravian descent to perpetuate their heritage and traditions. The winner of Miss Czech-Slovak Iowa receives a $1,000 scholarship and represents the state of Iowa in the national Miss Czech-Slovak US Pageant.
photo/Holly Robe
royal court
CHF’s Royal Court is comprised of princes, princesses, little sisters and little brothers. The court participates in all activities that are supported by the foundation as well as other parades, festivals and events held throughout the year.
photo/Cindy Hadish
Scholarship Fund
Every year, CHF awards scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who have completed one year of post-secondary education. Scholarships are awarded in August and are available to Iowan students of Czech or Slovak descent.